Cale:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Date > ADI Datasheet > ADI-146

AD1845JP AD976CN OP200AZ AD7822BN OP282GS ADG509ATE AD5539Q ADG508AKP EVAL-AD7676CB AD7869 AD7887AR PM1012 AD537SD AD9843AJST ADR291 DAC8426FS AD7714YRU AD53041KRP AD ADC85 AD7885BQ AD632TH AD573KD OP413FS AD780AR AD7245ABN AD708AH HAS-1204 AD5330BRU

ADI Datasheets Catalog-146

Partea NuProducătorCerere
AD7715ARU-5 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; CMOS, 450uA, 16-bit, sigma-delta ADC
ADG412TQ ADI44V; 30-100mA; LC2MOS precision quad SPST switch. For audio and video routing, automatic test equipment
AD1845JP ADIParallel-port 16-Bit soundport stereo codec
AD976CN ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
OP200AZ ADI20V; dual low offset, low power operational amplifier
AD7822BN ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; 2MSPS, 8-bit 1/4/8-channel sampling ADC. For data acquisition systems, DSP front ends, disk driver
OP282GS ADI18V; dual/quad low power, high speed JFET operational amplifier. For supply current monitoring, active filters, fast amplifiers, integrators
ADG509ATE ADI44V; 20-40mA; 470mA; CMOS 4-/8-channel analog multiplexer
AD5539Q ADI10V; 550mW; ultrahigh frequency operational amplifier
ADG508AKP ADI44V; 20-40mA; 470mA; CMOS 4-/8-channel analog multiplexer
EVAL-AD7676CB ADIEvaluation board AD76XX
AD7869 ADICMOS, Complete 14-Bit Analog I/O System
AD7887AR ADI2.7-5.25V; micropower, 2-channel, 125kSPS, 12-bit ADC
PM1012 ADILow Power Precision Operational Amplifier
AD537SD ADIInputV0-4V; 500mW; integrated circuit voltage-to-frequency converter
AD9843AJST ADI0.3-3.9V; complete 10-bit, 20MSPS CCD signal processor. For digital video camcoders, digital still cameras, PC cameras
ADR291 ADIPrecision, Micropower 2.5 V XFET(TM) Reference
DAC8426FS ADI0.3-17.0V; quad 8-bit voltage out CMOS DAC complete with internal 10V reference. For process controls, multichannel microprocessor controlled system calibration, Op Amp offset and gain adjust, level and thershold setting
AD7714YRU ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; CMOS, 500uA, signal conditioning ADC. For poratble industrial intruments, portable weigh scales
AD53041KRP ADI12V; ultrahigh speed pin driver with inhibit mode
AD ADC85 ADIInputV0-10V; 880mW; 12-bit fast complete A/D converter
AD7885BQ ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS 16-bit, high speed sampling ADC. For automatic test equipment, medical instrumentation, industrial control, data acquisition systems, robotics
AD632TH ADI+-8 - +-18V; 4-6mW; internally trimmed precision IC multiplier. For high guality analog signal processing
AD573KD ADI0-7V; 800mW; 10-bit A/D converter
OP413FS ADI18V; low noise, low drift single-supply operational amplifiers. For digital scales, multimedia
AD780AR ADI36V; 500mW; high precision reference
AD7245ABN ADI-0.3, +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS 12-bit DACPORT
AD708AH ADI+-22V; 650mW; ultra low offset voltage dual Op Amp
HAS-1204 ADIUltra High-Apeed 12-Bit A/D Converter
AD5330BRU ADI2.5 V to 5.5 V, 115 uA, parallel interface single voltage-output 8-Bit DACs

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