Cale:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Date > ADI Datasheet > ADI-127

0 AD822BR REF194GS AD1580ART-REEL ADM692 AD8605ART 1B51 ADSP-2111BG-66 TMP12FS ADADC72KD AD9430BSV-170 AD8110 AD816 ADSP-2195MBST-140 AD7547JR ADM708SAR AD548KR-REEL AD9661AKR OP27EJ OP290GP OP11 ADSP-21062LAB-160 AD9610TH AD7591DITQ AD7821KP AD630SCHIPS ADDAC85LD-CBI-I AD5551BR

ADI Datasheets Catalog-127

Partea NuProducătorCerere
AD548 ADIPrecision, Low Power BiFET Op Amp
DAC8228FP ADI0.3-17V; dual 8-bit CMOS D/A converter. For disk drive systems, automatic test equipment
OP490 ADILow-Voltage Micropower Quad Operational Amplifier
AD822BR ADI18V; single supply, rail to rail low power FET-input Op Amp. For battery-powered precision instrumentation, photodiode preamps, active filters, 12/14-bit data acquisition systems
REF194GS ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD1580ART-REEL ADI20-25mA; 1.2V; micropower, precision shunt voltage reference
ADM692 ADIMicroprocessor Supervisory Circuits
AD8605ART ADI6V; precision low noise CMOS rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier. For barcode scanners, battery powered instrumnetation, multi-pole filters and sensors
1B51 ADIIsolated mV/Thermocouple Signal Conditioner
ADSP-2111BG-66 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 16.67 MHz
TMP12FS ADIInstruction rate 16.67MHz; 0.3-11V; airflow and temperature sensor. For system airflow sensor, equipment over-temperature sensor
ADADC72KD ADIComplete, high resolution 16-bit A/D converter
AD9430BSV-170 ADI12-bit, 170MSPS 3.3V A/D converter
AD8110 ADI260 MHz, 16 x 8 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch (Gain=1)
AD816 ADI500mA Differential Driver and Dual Low Noise Amplifier for the AD20msp910 chipset
ADSP-2195MBST-140 ADI140MHz; on-chip SRAM 1.3M bit; DSP microcomputer
AD7547JR ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS parallel loading dual 12-bit DAC. For automatic test equipment, programmable filters, audio applications
ADM708SAR ADI0.3-6V; monitoring supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems and computers
AD548KR-REEL ADI18V; 500mW; precision, low power BiFET Op Amp
AD9661AKR ADI6V; 200mA; laser diode driver with light power control. For laser printers and coplers
OP27EJ ADI22V; 25mA; low-noise, precision operational amplifier
OP290GP ADI18V; precision, low power, micropower dual operational amplifier
OP11 ADIQuad, Matched 741-Type
ADSP-21062LAB-160 ADI0.3-7V; ADSP-2106x SHARC DSP microcomputer
AD9610TH ADI18V; 10mA; wide bandwidth, fast settling operational amplifier. For driving flash converters,nhigh speed DAC I/V converters
AD7591DITQ ADI+17.0V; 450mW; DI CMOS analog switches with data latches
AD7821KP ADILC2MOS high speed, uP-compatible 8-Bit ADC with track/hold function, +/- 1LSB
AD630SCHIPS ADI+-18V; 600mW; balanced modulator/demodulator
ADDAC85LD-CBI-I ADI+-12V power supply; 300mW; complete low cost 12-bit A/D converter
AD5551BR ADI0.3-6V; serial-input voltage-output, 14-bit DAC. For digital gain and offset adjustment, automatic test equipment, data acquisition systems and industrial process control

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