Cale:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Date > Vishay Datasheet > Vishay-40

M55C5V6 DZ23C47 TSDF1205 VN2222L TZS4683 BZG03C16 BZW03C27 TSOP1233CB1 TSHF5200 1N4150 BZX85B30 BYT86-600 BZX85B13 TZQ5246B BYV16 TLHP5800 TCED4100G TSOP4836YA1 1N5418 TZMC62 K3012P 1N5264B TSOP1737KS1 BF569 TCET4100G TSOP1236KS1 BZX55C7V5 TSOP1236CB1

Vishay Datasheets Catalog-40

Partea NuProducătorCerere
BZG03C10 Vishay9.4V, 3W zener diode
TDSG5150 VishayGreen (565 nm) 7-segment display, 13 mm / 5.12 inch, Viewing distance up to 7 meter
BZM55C5V6 Vishay5.6V zener diode
DZ23C47 VishayZener diode
TSDF1205 Vishay12-GHz low-noise RF transistor
VN2222L VishayN-channel enhancement mode MOS transistor
TZS4683 Vishay3.0V zener diode
BZG03C16 Vishay15.3V, 3W zener diode
BZW03C27 Vishay25.1V zener and suppressor diode
TSOP1233CB1 VishayPhoto module for PCM remote control systems, 33kHz
TSHF5200 VishayHigh speed IR emitter diode
1N4150 VishaySmall signal switching diode for general purpose applications
BZX85B30 Vishay30V, 1W zener diode
BYT86-600 VishayUltra fast recovery rectifier for general purpose applications for power conversion
BZX85B13 Vishay13V, 1W zener diode
TZQ5246B Vishay16V zener diode
BYV16 VishayFast recovery rectifier for general purpose applications for power conversion
TLHP5800 VishayStandard Puregreen(555nm) LED
TCED4100G VishayOpto isolator for safety application
TSOP4836YA1 VishayPhoto module for PCM remote control systems, 36kHz
1N5418 VishayFast recovery rectifier for general purpose applications for power conversion
TZMC62 Vishay62V zener diode
K3012P VishayOpto isolator for safety application
1N5264B Vishay60V zener diode
TSOP1737KS1 VishayPhoto module for PCM remote control systems, 36.7kHz
BF569 VishayPNP small signal RF transistor
TCET4100G VishayOpto isolator for safety application
TSOP1236KS1 VishayPhoto module for PCM remote control systems, 36kHz
BZX55C7V5 Vishay7.5V zener diode
TSOP1236CB1 VishayPhoto module for PCM remote control systems, 36kHz

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