Cale:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Date > Eon Datasheet > Eon-9

070PI EN27LV020B120PI EN29F002T-90P EN29F002NB-70P EN29F002B-90P EN27C51270P EN29F002T-45JI EN27LV512200P EN29F002B-90JI EN27LV010200TI EN27C02045TI EN29F002NB-55JI EN27C01090T EN29F002B-55J EN29F040-90J EN27LV020B200J EN29F002NB-90P EN27C51245P EN29F002T-45T EN29F800B-90T EN27C5

Eon Datasheets Catalog-9

Partea NuProducătorCerere
EN27LV51290P Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 90ns. Single +3.3V power supply - regulated power supply 3.0V - 3.6V
EN27C01070PI Eon1Megabit EPROM (128K x 8). Speed 70ns. Single 5V pover supply.
EN27LV020B120PI Eon2Megabit low voltage EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 120ns. Single +3.3V power supply - unreregulated power supply 2.7V - 3.6V
EN29F002T-90P Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 90ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN29F002NB-70P Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 70ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. Without RESET function.
EN29F002B-90P Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 90ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN27C51270P Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 70ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN29F002T-45JI Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 45ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN27LV512200P Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 200ns. Single +3.3V power supply - regulated power supply 3.0V - 3.6V
EN29F002B-90JI Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 90ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN27LV010200TI Eon1Megabit low voltage EPROM (128K x 8). Speed 200ns. 3.0V to 3.6V Vcc tolerance.
EN27C02045TI Eon2Megabit EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 45ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN29F002NB-55JI Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 55ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. Without RESET function.
EN27C01090T Eon1Megabit EPROM (128K x 8). Speed 90ns. Single 5V pover supply.
EN29F002B-55J Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 55ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN29F040-90J Eon4 Megabit (512K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 90ns. 5.0V operation for read/write/erase operations.
EN27LV020B200J Eon2Megabit low voltage EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 200ns. Single +3.3V power supply - unreregulated power supply 2.7V - 3.6V
EN29F002NB-90P Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 90ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. Without RESET function.
EN27C51245P Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 45ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN29F002T-45T Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 45ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN29F800B-90T Eon8 Megabit (1024K x 8-bit/512K x 16-bit) flach memory. Boot sector flash memory, CMOS 5.0 volt only. Speed 90ns. Bottom sector.
EN27C51255PI Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 55ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN27LV020B150PI Eon2Megabit low voltage EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 150ns. Single +3.3V power supply - unreregulated power supply 2.7V - 3.6V
EN27C51245PI Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 45ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN27C02090P Eon2Megabit EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 90ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN27LV512B200P Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 200ns. Single +3.3V power supply - unregulated power supply 2.7V - 3.6V
EN29F002T-55P Eon2 Megabit (256K x 8-bit) flach memory. Speed 55ns. 5.0V +-10% for both read/write operation. With RESET function.
EN27LV512200PI Eon512Kbit EPROM (64K x 8). Speed 200ns. Single +3.3V power supply - regulated power supply 3.0V - 3.6V
EN27C02045JI Eon2Megabit EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 45ns. Single 5V power supply.
EN27LV020150TI Eon2Megabit low voltage EPROM (256K x 8). Speed 150ns. Single +3.3V power supply - regulated power supply 3.0V - 3.6V

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