Cale:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Date > ADI Datasheet > ADI-87

AD7892SQ-1 ADP3303AR-3.2 JM38510/13901BCA AD8345ARE AD7864BS-1 AD7874BR AD5333BRU AD7862ARS-3 ADM8660AR AD524AD AD7948BRS ADG782BCP ADP3333ARM-3.3 AD10242/PCB OP260AZ AD7541ASE AD578SD/883B OP42FJ ADSP-2101KP-66 OP97EP AD394KM ADG609BN ADP3307ART-3 AD7528JN DAC8420EQ ADG508FBN AD

ADI Datasheets Catalog-87

Partea NuProducătorCerere
REF191GBC ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD7541AJN ADI+17V; 450mW; CMOS 12-bit monolithic multiplying DAC
AD7892SQ-1 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS single supply 12-bit high speed 600kSPS ADC
ADP3303AR-3.2 ADI0.3-16V; high accuracy anyCAP 200mA low dropout linear regulator. For cellular telephones, notebook, palmtop computers, battery powered systems, PCMCIA regulators, bar code scanners, camcoders, cameras
JM38510/13901BCA ADI18V; 500mW; internally trimmed precision IC multiplier for high quality analog signal processing and diffrential ratio and percentage computations
AD8345ARE ADI5.5V; 500mW; 250MHz-1000MHz quadrature modulator
AD7864BS-1 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; 4-channel, simultaneous sampling, high speed 12-bit ADC. For AC motor control, inuterrupted power supplies
AD7874BR ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS 4-channel, 12-bit, simultaneous sampling data acquisition system. For sonar, motor controllers, adaptive filetrs, digital signal processing
AD5333BRU ADI2.5 V to 5.5 V, 230 uA, parallel interface dual voltage-output 10-Bit DACs
AD7862ARS-3 ADI0.3-7V; 450-670mW; simultaneous sampling dual 250kSPS 12-bit ADC. For AC motor control, uninterrupted power supplies, data acquisition systems, communications
ADM8660AR ADI7.5V; 500mW; CMOS switched-capacitor voltage converter. For handheld instruments, portable computers
AD524AD ADI18V; 450mW; precision instrumentation amplifier
AD7948BRS ADI0.3-6V; 450mW; multiplying 12-bit DAC. For battery-powered instrumentation, laptop computers, upgrades for all 754x serial DACs (5V Designs)
ADG782BCP ADI0.3-6V; 2.5 OHm SPST switch. For battery-powered systems, communication systems, sample hold systems, audio signal routing
ADP3333ARM-3.3 ADI0.3-16V; high accuracy ultralow Iq, 300mA, anyCAP low dropout regulator. For cellular phones, PCMCIA cards, personal digital assistants (PDAs), DSP/ASIC supplies
AD10242/PCB ADI0-7V; dual, 12-bit, 40MSPS MCM A/D converter with analog input signal conditioning
OP260AZ ADI18V; 7mA; dual, high-speed, current feedback operational amplifier
AD7541ASE ADI+17V; 450mW; CMOS 12-bit monolithic multiplying DAC
AD578SD/883B ADI0-20V; very fast, complete 12-bit A/D converter
OP42FJ ADI20V; high-speed, fast settling precision operational amplifier
ADSP-2101KP-66 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 16.67 MHz
OP97EP ADI20V; 10mA; low-power, high-precision operational amplifier
AD394KM ADI0.3-17V; quad 12-bit compatible multiplying D/A converter
ADG609BN ADI13V; 20-40mA; 4/8-channel high performance analog multiplexer
ADP3307ART-3 ADIOutputV 3V; high accuracy anyCAP 100mA low dropout lionear regulator. For cellular telephones, notebook, palmtop computers, battery powered systems, PCMCIA regulator, bar code scanners, camcorders, cameras
AD7528JN ADI0-17V; 450mW; CMOS dual 8-bit buffered multiplying DAC. For digital control of gain/attenuation, filter parameters, stereo audio circuits, X-Y graphics
DAC8420EQ ADI0.3-18.0V; 1000mW; quad 12-bit serial voltage output DAC
ADG508FBN ADI44V; 4/8-channel fault-protected analog multiplexer. For existing multiplexer applications and new designs requiring multiplexer functions
ADV7120KN50 ADI+7V; CMOS 50MHz, triple 8-bit video DAC. For high resolution color graphics, CAE/CAD/CAM applications, image processing, instrumentation, video signal reconstruction
OP162GP ADI6V; 50mA; 15MHz rail-to-rail operational amplifier. For portable instrumentation, sampling ADC amplifier, wirelell LANs, direct access arrangement, office automation

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