Cale:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Date > ADI Datasheet > ADI-51

01M2A ADP3820AR-4.2 AD9713B AD9012SE DAC8420QBC AD596AH AD829AR AD7468BRT AD9060 AD9857/PCB OP213EP AMP03BJ/883C AD1890JP AD1380KD ADR293ER-REEL7 AD7390 AD8300 AD7871KN ADSP-21060LKS-160 REF02J AD7884BP AD8632 AD8072ARM AD586MN AD7249 AD572SD/883B AD8048-EB ADM708SAN AD594CQ

ADI Datasheets Catalog-51

Partea NuProducătorCerere
DA1843JST ADI0.3-6V; serial-port 16-bit soundComm codec
5962-9313101M2A ADIHigh performance video operational amplifier
ADP3820AR-4.2 ADI20V; lithium-ion battery changer. For Li-Ion battery chargers, desktop computers, hand-held instruments
AD9713B ADI12-Bit, 80 MSPS, TTL Compatible DAC
AD9012SE ADI6V; 30mA; 8-bit high-speed TTL A/D converter. For radar systems, digital oscilloscopes/ATE equipment
DAC8420QBC ADI0.3-18.0V; 1000mW; quad 12-bit serial voltage output DAC
AD596AH ADIthermocouple conditioner and setpoint controller
AD829AR ADI18V; high-speed, low-noise video Op Amp
AD7468BRT ADI1.8V; 450mW; micro-power, 8/10/12-bit ADC. For battery powered systems, madical instruments, remote data acquisition, isolated data acquisition
AD9060 ADI10-Bit 75 MSPS A/D Converter
AD9857/PCB ADI4V; 5mA; CMOS 200MSPS 14-bit quadrature digital upconverter
OP213EP ADI18V; low noise, low drift single-supply operational amplifiers. For digital scales, multimedia
AMP03BJ/883C ADI+-18V; precision, unity-gain differential amplifier. For summing and instrumentation amplifiers, balanced line receivers, current-voltage conversion, absolute volue amplifier
AD1890JP ADI5V; samplePort stereo asynchronous sample rate converter. For digital mixing cinsolers and digital audio workstations, CD-R, DAT, DCC and MD recorders
AD1380KD ADI18V; 900mW; low cost 16-bit sampling ADC. For medical and analytical instrumentation, signal processing, data acquisition systems
ADR293ER-REEL7 ADI18V; low noise micropower precision voltage reference. For portable instrumnetation, precision reference for 5V systems, A/D and D/A converter reference
AD7390 ADI+3/+5 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 12-Bit DAC
AD8300 ADI+3 Volt, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC
AD7871KN ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS complete 14-bit, sampling ADC. For digital signal processing, speech recognition and synthesis, stectrum analysis, high speed modems, DSP servo control
ADSP-21060LKS-160 ADI0.3-7V; 33MHz; ADSP-2106x SHARC DSP microcomputer
REF02J ADI30-40V; precision voltage reference/temperature transducer
AD7884BP ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS 16-bit, high speed sampling ADC. For automatic test equipment, medical instrumentation, industrial control, data acquisition systems, robotics
AD8632 ADI1.8 V, 5 MHz Rail-to-Rail Low Power Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet
AD8072ARM ADI13.2V; low cost, dual/triple video amplifier. For video line driver and computer video plug-in boards
AD586MN ADIInputV36V; 500mW; outputV4.980-5.020V; 3mA; to ground60mA; high precision 5V amplifier
AD7249 ADILC2MOS Dual 12-Bit Serial DACPORT
AD572SD/883B ADI12-bit successive approximation integrated circuit A/D converter
AD8048-EB ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; 250MHz, general purpose voltage feedback Op Amp. For low power ADC input driver, differential amplifiers, IF/RF and pulse amplifiers
ADM708SAN ADI0.3-6V; monitoring supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems and computers
AD594CQ ADIMonolithic thermocouple amplifier with cold junction compensation

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